Hiring a photo booth tip #1

Ensure the operators have a photographic background! Wow it’s a photo booth, you’d think that goes without saying. You would expect anyone who hired one had this knowledge?
Wrong, there are too many manufacturers of photo booths, desperately trying to sell as many as they can in a short space of time. The problem is they are selling them to anyone, anyone that is that’s willing to pay and they’re promoting them as requiring ‘no technical knowledge’.
I can confidently say the forums, internationally, are full of people who’ve jumped into the industry, having invested in one of these booths and who are asking some fairly dumb questions about operating them in relation to camera settings. Just because the end is automated, i.e. you press a button or touch a screen to activate the booth, doesn’t negate the need to understand how to set it up correctly in the first place. “Aggh but cameras have advanced so much” they say, well yes, sadly it’s booth software controlling the camera which involves ‘programming’ in camera settings.
What they are actually doing is charging you, as a professional supplier for something they don’t have the skill to operate. Would you hire an electrician or a plumber on the same basis? Personally we think they’ve got a cheek.
So our first tip on hiring a photo booth for any event is check the operators background, do the have professional or qualified photographic experience.?
We’ve lots more tips to follow so please bookmark this site and pop back, or better still like us on one of our social media pages and grab the tips there.