As part of our activities we travel quite a few miles around the UK.
We’ve also travelled extensively around the continent in the past for both business and pleasure and enjoyed nothing more than travelling around the back roads of France for days at a time.
What’s the difference – the condition of the roads, travelling around Europe, even on lonely isolated roads is an absolute pleasure and breeze. Driving around the UK is like undertaking an off road safari.
Disgusting is the only polite word I can use on this blog to describe our feelings at the pathetic excuses given by those in charge. The simple and blunt facts are that the revenue generated through the Road Fund Licence (clue is in its name) and the additional duty on fuel isn’t being utilised on transport improvements.
I’ve long said the biggest risk to our countries economy isn’t a house price crash or spending cut backs it’s excessive fuel prices coupled with poor, inadequate road infrastructure!
We are a developed country, with some magnificent achievements, accomplished over centuries on a global scale,surely it’s not beyond our capabilities to sort the roads out.